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Writer's pictureLisa L.

Favoritism much?

Imagine. You're young and just starting out and you've been saving your money to buy your first home. Now imagine this, you don't have to save up for a down payment and there will be NO closing costs!! Woohoo!!! Sounds good to me!! Where do I sign up?? Wait, what? I still have to pay a down payment and come up with the closing costs? Why? WHAT???!!! My skin is the wrong color. Oh, don't worry, there's a link below if you don't believe me.

Bank of America, along with most of these big corporations, has really stepped in it this time. It's called the "Community Affordable Loan Solution". If you are black or latino, you now (in 5 cities for now) have a HUGE luxury of not having to pay a down payment on a house and you don't have to come up with the closing costs. Raise your hand if you think this is outrageous.

I am not quite sure where they get off, but it's becoming more and more clear every day that this country is almost doomed. At least that's the way I feel at the moment.

The government is like the movie Good Fellas. Oh? Your kid is sick? 🤬you! Pay me! You lost your job? 🤬you! Pay me! You need more time? 🤬 you! Pay me! (You're totally reading all this in Ray Liotta's voice, aren't you? LOL!!)

When is enough going to be enough? Everything most of us grew up believing is now wrong. It's wrong to be conservative. It's wrong to be Christian. It's wrong to be a natural man or woman. It's wrong to have opposing views. No one can agree to disagree anymore. When I was growing up, I believed that the rainbow was God's promise to never flood the entire earth again. Now, anytime you see a rainbow, it stands for gay pride. And if you disagree with that, you might as well grease up your neck for the blade to slice through smoothly.

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