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Writer's pictureLisa L.

Monsanto (MonSatan)...

Many people, to this day, have never heard of Monsanto. I've known about them for years. Let's talk about the history of Monsanto, shall we?

Monsanto was started up in 1901 by a man named John F. Queeny. Who in the hell is that?

John Francis Queeny - Wikipedia Please read the linked article. After you read that, I want you to go here...CORRECTED: TIMELINE: History of Monsanto Co | Reuters This is just a basic timeline of the company. Wikipedia doesn't tell you the whole truth.

The truth is Monsanto is an evil company. Even though Bayer purchased it, it's still in the shadows. It still lurks to this day, poisoning us. I also want you to watch this video...

You'll see in the beginning of the video (about 1 minute, 18 seconds in) that the WHO (World Health Organization) declared that Glyphosate (the main ingredient in RoundUp) was "probably carcinogenic". Probably??!! Anyway, moving on.

Next, you're going to see a nice, friendly lady explaining why Monsanto is a good company. Basically, like any other commercial out there, buttering you up and luring you in to buy their products with pretty packaging and sweet promises. The first lie I caught was when she says "protecting soil health". I know there are many, but that one fired me up! Here's what I have to say about that...BULLSHIT!! The reason why they got sued and had to pay out millions and millions of dollars in compensation is because RoundUp causes cancer! Once you put that in your soil, it NEVER goes away. It stays in your garden and you can't get it out. And year after year, you plant those GMO seeds and you keep spraying that poison. All to get rid of those pesky weeds. Oh, and by the way, dandelions are not weeds. They are one of the most nutritious plants in the world. They are also bee food. Do the research for yourself and you'll see. Anyway. Next you'll hear her say they are minimizing disease and pests on crops. Yeah, sure! The crops won't get sick, but the humans sure as hell will!

Next, you'll hear about a farmer in France winning a lawsuit because his health went bad because of Monsanto. Then story after story after story.

Something else that caught my ear was the "Autism and the link to pesticide exposer". Hmmm? There sure are a lot of cases of Autism in the past 20 years. Gee, I wonder why?

Then you'll see this idiot telling a reporter that he'd gladly drink the pesticide in front of him because he says it's safe for human consumption. The reporter challenges him to do so. What happens next is comical!! The Lobbyist's name is Patrick Moore, by the way.

Then we move on to the livestock. Want to take a crack at guessing what's in their feed?

Just sayin'! It's heartbreaking to see what they show next. The sick animals. But, you must see it to fully understand it. Cows foaming at the mouth, convulsing, barely able to move, etc. It's tragic.

Enough of my commentary. Watch the video and do more research. You'll figure out how a lot of these companies are intertwined and collaborating together. The only thing I can think of for a reason for all of this is the oldest reason in the book...MONEY! It doesn't matter how you feel about it. They don't care and they never will. My advice to you is to shop for your fruits and vegetables at your local farmers markets or grow your own.

Keep in mind that the video is 8 years old, however, the practices are still in use today. I'm speaking of the GMO's, of course, but also meat glue. Yeah, just watch the video.

Thank you for stopping by!

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