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Writer's pictureLisa L.

Dr. Faucet, the Little Drip sick?...LMFAO!!

Well, it was just a matter of time, right? He deserves anything he gets! Let me give you a little history lesson on good old Dr. Fauci.

He botched the aids epidemic in order to profit big pharma and himself and he's done it again with the "beer bug". It's all about the money and always has been. Allow me to explain...

In the 1980's, he pushed a drug called AZT (azidothymidine) for the treatment of aids and HIV. It was highly toxic, causing lots of liver damage, but he didn't care. It was a money-maker. He discouraged inexpensive alternatives that would have been far more successful in treating the disease. Same thing here and now with covid. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are very effective and inexpensive to treat covid, but Fauci pushed the MRNA vaccines. And now look what's happened. Young, healthy people dropping like flies due to heart problems.

Listen, I've never been a big supporter of vaccines. Chicken pox vaccine? Ok, I'm fine with that. Polio vaccine? I'm good with that one too, but for the most part, vaccines are dangerous. In my opinion, they weaken the immune system.

Let's continue. In 1984, he was named head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. At that time, he wrote an article in a medical journal that aids could be spread by not only sexual contact or sharing needles, but through things like toilet seats or other "ordinary contact". He lied!

Here's a simple chart. The blue is death rates using hydroxychloroquine and the red is death rates without. Gee, would you look at that?

What makes things worse is the fact that the federal government, the FDA and HHS, withheld 100 million doses of hydroxychloroquine that were donated to these agencies from the public.

These are things you can research. The truth is out there. In encourage you to do your research. Don't just take my word for it.

So, Dr. Fauci has tested positive for the "beer bug". Do I have sympathy for him? Absolutely not! This man is nothing but pure evil. He was a liar in the 80's and he's a liar now.

There's something else about this evil man. False evidence used to stop the use of Hydroxychloroquine – read this article...

And here's a video definitely worth watching...

If you'd like to know more, my source is:

Thank you for stopping by!

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