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Writer's pictureLisa L.

Could you live without electricity?

Well, could you? Think about what you rely on every day. Lights, refrigeration, heating/cooling, laundry, etc. etc. It's quite a lengthy list. We've all been through blackouts before. Sometimes it's minutes, sometimes it's days. Nevertheless, we've all been through it. My question to you is, what if it were years? Would you be able to adjust to being thrown back to the 19th century? I won't lie to you, I'd have a hard time with it, but I'm more prepared than 90% of the population. And I don't even have solar panels or any other form of generating electricity.

Ask yourself this question, just how fragile is our electrical grid? The grid is both old and new. Our grid has grown and evolved for more than a century. Really? Over a century? That's incredible! Or is it? The problem is that as it has grown, new technology has been put on top of, not replaced, old technology. That's the best way I can describe it. I'm not sure how all that is possible, but that's the way it is. In fact, most of the parts (old) can't even be replaced because there are no replacements. How do you fix something without spare parts? You can't. Click the link below to read a very interesting article.

To quote part of the article,

"The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has identified 30 of these HV transformers as being critical to the integrity of the grid. They went on to report that the simultaneous loss of just 9 HV transformers, in various combinations, could cripple the power grid and lead to a cascading failure, resulting in a “coast-to coast blackout.”

Hmmm?? Don't you find that just a tad alarming? I sure do! The more alarming truth is that it's been this way for years and nothing has been done to protect it. Why? No clue, here!

So, back to the question at hand. Could you live without electricity? If you just look around and pay attention, you'll soon realize that it is perfectly possible that you might soon have to. I pray that we don't have to go through that, but with the energy crisis going on right now, how could anyone not see the possibility? This is just one reason you should be prepping.

The number of (for lack of a better term) shit shows going on around the world right now, I believe it's too far gone to fix. People are so indoctrinated now to the point of no return. We don't know what's up or down or right or left. But, that another topic for another day.

If you're reading this right now, the only thing I want you to get out of it is this...

Prep! And do it fast! Don't worry about what others think of you. Because when the lights go out, it's too late at that point.

As a prepper, most of you already know I do canning, dehydrating, freeze drying, gardening, etc. I'm not a professional at it by any means, but I'm doing it for my family. It's sort of a survival insurance policy. I always encourage others to do the same. If you need it and don't have it, you sing a different tune.

If you have any questions (there are NO stupid questions), please feel free to contact me at Or you can leave a comment on this post.

Thank you for stopping by!

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