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Writer's pictureLisa L.

Chewed up and spit out, but not down and out!

I'm going to begin this article by saying this is how I feel...CHEWED UP AND SPIT OUT! However, I'm not "down and out". I have fight left in me. I'm sure there's a lot of you who feel the same way. Our world is upside down and it's only going to get worse before it gets better. Man, that sounds so doom and gloom, right? Well, it is. But this is not who we are. We are "fall down & pick ourselves up by the bootstraps"! We are "there's a light at the end of the tunnel"! We are "lovers of God and Country"! We are "freedom fighters"! Aren't we?

The past few days, I've been feeling pretty low. Well, first of all I was sick and had to cancel a much needed get together with friends. Then all of the, for lack of a better word, SHIT coming out of D.C. It's all been getting to me a bit. I miss the country I grew up in. I miss the days where people could take a joke without being offended. I miss the days where, for the most part, people were trusted. I miss the days when people had respect for each other.

What I would like to see happen...

I have to be careful here because the way the world is right now, all I want is revenge. That's not the right frame of mind.

I want people to respect each other. I want people to help each other. I want people to love their brothers and sisters in Christ. I want people who have done wrong to pay for it, but I want the punishment to fit the crime. I want our schools to teach reading, writing and arithmetic and not this "woke" bullshit. Am I asking too much? Perhaps?

I think it's safe to say that I'm not the only one who wants all these things. But I also have to say that what we're all going through is needed. I know, I know, what the hell am I talking about? Right? Why would all this be needed? I can tell you in one word.....Exposure. And it all started, for the most part, back in 2015. That's not to say that corruption hasn't been exposed before. Watergate, etc. That would be too long a list to mention here. The level of exposure is what I'm talking about here. In the last 6 years, it has just been one thing after another. Hence the reason a lot of us are just feeling "enough is enough". We cry out to God, "when will all this stop?!" We've witnessed firsthand just how good this country can be and with one single decision (Pence), it turned on a dime and ever since then we've been put through the wringer. All of our energy, our time and our money squeezed out of us like a wet rag.

Now, what do I mean about the level of exposure? Have you ever witnessed in your lifetime the amount of corruption that we see today? You see, Biden HAD to happen. As much as it pains me to say that, but it's true. We are witnessing the most corrupt politicians at work. Let me put it to you this way, what happens when you shine a light on a bunch of roaches? They scatter! The roaches are being exposed and it's the biggest infestation we've ever seen! Another way to put it is, evil cannot operate in the light. These corrupt people operate in the darkness (behind closed doors) and they don't want you to know what they're up to. When they get found out, they panic. That's what they're doing now ahead of the November elections coming up. We've found out more in the last 6 years than we ever have. At least, for me anyway.

This is a battle between good and evil. Evil has been exposed and it's in panic mode. This is the reason we have things like "cancel culture" and "shadow banning". The truth is getting exposed, and they are trying to shut us up. What's good, is now bad. What's right, is now wrong. I always remind myself that no matter what, good ALWAYS prevails over evil. Sometimes it takes a little longer, but it still happens.

I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that we need to have patience and we need to have all of our trust in God. He's exposing all these corruptions for us, and we just have to endure. It's been very hard, but "that which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger".

There's a reason for everything. Be patient and watch.

Thank you for stopping by!

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1 kommentti

26. elok. 2022

When we were young (I am way older than you) the exposure was minimal and had to be monstrous for us to see it. Now, every little issue gets a headline, and it is flashed in our faces a hundred ways. The frustration of being powerless as the abuses are revealed is infuriating. I have had to adopt a way more casual approach to the state of the country, as it CAN really mess you up. I take comfort that we have taught our children well, and that we are seeing the progress of man. Many predictions that our Constitutional Republic could not survive appear to be coming true. As A. F. Tytler said two hundred years ago: "A dem…

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