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Writer's pictureLisa L.

Items you need now...

As time goes on, we can all see that the dollar is losing its purchasing power. It is becoming less and less valuable. I believe that a collapse of the dollar is imminent. Well, this is what the left wants, right? Control the food (and the money), you control the people. Who said that? Hmmm? Let's see. Ah, yes! Henry Kissinger Quote: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Can we say "CBDC"? CBDC stands for "Central Bank Digital Currency. They are pushing for this for as soon as July of this year. This means that they will control how much money you get, what you can spend it on and can even cut off your money. "So, Mr. Jones, I see you've been to the grocery store twice this week. Why are you buying so much food? You've spent enough for the rest of the month." Think that can't happen? How about a "Social Credit Score"? They do that in China. If you post something or say something negative about the government, they punish you with a social credit score. The lower your score, the less "privileges" you have, oh, I don't know, things shopping! Your rights are gone. That's the way our regime wants it here in the good ol'e USA.

This is what they've been working on all these years. Control! No one on this planet will ever make me understand why. The only conclusion I can come up with is that this is

"Good vs. Evil". So, let's get into what I have found through research will be either in short supply or very expensive soon. Items that no one really thinks about until they're needed.

  1. Electrical cords

  2. Wax Rings for your toilet

  3. Heating oil/Diesel/Gasoline Stabilizer

  4. Spare parts for whatever. Appliances, engines, plumbing parts, lumber, etc.

  5. Extra generator cords.

  6. Batteries

  7. Zip-ties & Electrical tape

  8. Gardening supplies (seeds included)

  9. Educational books & School supplies

  10. Manual tools (and manual can opener)

  11. Cleaning supplies

  12. Pet supplies (other than food)

It's just a few items, but it's a start. You have to think outside the box when it comes to stockpiling. If what you're thinking of is not on this list, put it in the comment section. I want to know what you think.

Thank you for stopping by!

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Thank you so much for putting out this article!! a lot of people are not woke and they are in for a big surprise if I don't wake up and listen to what we all are trying to tell them. I guess I'll run to Walmart and get some stabilizer for my gas.

Thanks again for all you do for this group!!!

Lisa L.
Lisa L.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words! ❤️

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