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Writer's pictureLisa L.

About the Rabbit Hole Net...

Last night, we were so honored to host our new net called The Rabbit Hole. We had a total of 40 check-ins! Not too shabby for our first one! Lots of good information came from the audience. I think the Rabbit Hole is going to turn out to be something positive for the NGGMRS community.

It's our goal to give and receive information on all of our prepping journeys. It's up to us, this great community, to teach others and learn from one another so that we can be better prepared for come what may.

We understand that there may be topics that some will not find interesting, but even if they don't check-in, I really encourage them to just listen. You never know. You might just be inspired by one of our audience members.

The content will vary. I have created enough to get us through August of 2023, but I'm still working on more. Why? Because it's a rabbit hole. LOL! It's important to me to have as many topics as I can so that, for lack of a better word, boredom doesn't set in. Yes, as I said, some topics won't be as interesting as others, but to me, they're all just as important.

I want to reiterate that we do not know everything. We are not experts. I don't think anyone is, to be honest. But what we've learned over our years of prepping, we wish to share with you, the best community we've ever belonged to. We couldn't be more grateful. I mean that sincerely.

This is not just a net that we're hosting. Well, let's Willy Wonka that, reverse, start over...We are simply the hosts. It really belongs to you, the participants. At an audience of 40 to begin with, who knows how much it will grow! There's no net without the participants. Same with the Thursday night nets. I do enjoy listening to those.

I had a brief conversation with Uncle Mike from up around Cherry Log this morning and also with Bruce. I first reached out to Uncle Mike because I heard him talking with someone else about the Rabbit Hole Net saying how great it is. Then Bruce reached out to me with encouraging words. Before the conversation, though, because of our nervousness hosting for the first time last night, this morning I was feeling a little apprehensive about last nights' net because, as most of us do, I was thinking about mistakes we made. The feedback I received from them this morning and from others on Facebook and by phone has taught me that even though this is something we've never done before, nor did we ever even think of the possibility, we did it. And even with mistakes, it was a success. Mistakes are how we learn. I don't wish to make mistakes, but from now on I think I'll just laugh them off. Now all I have to do is convince Dave to do the same! LOL!! I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want to thank everyone who sent a positive message to us. There are too many to mention which is a great thing! Gary, Justin, Jeff, John and John 1/2, Ron, Marsha, Casey, and the list goes on. My apologies if your name isn't mentioned here.

So, with all that being said, we do look forward to more and more Rabbit Hole Net conversations and teaching and learning lots more about prepping.

Thank you for stopping by!

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Jul 13, 2022

Just a note to those who are also HAM operators and who also have GMRS capacity. There is a net called Metro Atlanta AmRRON Net that has Echlink capability. On node #6925 we would like to extend invitation to all to join us every Tuesday at 2000 hrs local time. we also pass information regarding self sufficientcy and need effecting the area.


Jul 12, 2022

I was really happy to see so many people concerned with being self-sufficient. That is a passion of mine. Below are the 250# (5 bags) of Milk powder and Organic Sugar that we are about to bag in mylar, fill with Nitrogen, heat seal, pack in 5 gal buckets, fill with more Nitrogen, and seal. It's an ongoing process.

(have too sign up to upload a picture, I found out!)

Lisa L.
Lisa L.
Jul 12, 2022
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Wow! 250lbs is pretty darn good!


Jul 12, 2022

Perfection can only exist in Creator's mind.... (which in this case belongs to the both of ya'll) Maybe it was as you suggested, just the perception of perfection that your audience experienced last night.....but it was fantastic, and we are all anxiously awaiting your next. & BTY...40 was great, but I am predicting 50 next week....thanks again.../\/\

Lisa L.
Lisa L.
Jul 12, 2022
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Thank you so much, Uncle Mike!

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