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Writer's pictureLisa L.

52 Week Prep Plan

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

This is a long one, but I would rather have it in one place.

First, I want to add the basics. What are the basics? I like to call them "The Ten Commandments of Prepping".

Food: Have enough stored for 1 year. Store-bought, homegrown and canned, etc.

Water: Have a way of collecting rainwater, purchase bottled water, have water filter systems.

Shelter: You've decided to bugout. Make sure you have quality gear in order to arrive at your destination safely. You may have to have temporary shelter to stop along the way and rest. Don't sell yourself short. When I say, "get quality gear", I mean just that. Tents, sleeping bags, ways to make fire, cooking gear, etc.

If you're bugging in, fortify your home. Block all drafts, secure your perimeter, have firewood available, etc.

Clothing: Warm coats, hats, thick socks, gloves, etc.

Medicine: OTC meds, prescriptions, etc. Also, have on hand bandages, ointments, a set of crutches, vitamins, etc.

Means of Self Defense: Guns are always the first choice for self defense. However, have knives and other means to achieve self-preservation. Pepper spray is a popular choice. Some people use wasp or hornet spray. You can even use salt by way of getting it into the eyes.

Gardening: Grow your own food. No doubt, gardening can be hard work, but it is well worth the effort. With gardening comes food preservation. Learn how to use a canner and/or dehydrator or even a freeze-dryer.

Communications: When the event happens, and we find ourselves with no cell service, we need a way to talk to each other. Radios are the way to go! Period! Whether it be HAM or GMRS, it makes no difference as long as you have a way to communicate.

Hunting/Fishing: This is a skill that a lot of people have. And a damned good one, too! When the shelves are empty at the store, you still need food. If you don't know how to hunt or fish, I suggest you learn.

First Aid: God forbid, someone in your family get seriously injured during an SHTF situation. But, should that happen, you will be the first responder. Learn skills such as using a splint, stitching a gash, CPR, using an I.V, etc. Small things can be lifesaving.

Week 1: Preps to buy-

  • 1 gal of water per day for each family member (2 weeks worth)

  • 2 decent sized jars of peanut butter

  • 2 jugs of fruit juice

  • 2 large cans of soup/stew or meat of choice

  • 3 non perishables such as crackers

  • 1 manual can opener

  • 5 to10 lbs dry beans

  • 10 lbs white, long grain rice

  • 4 lb box of salt

  • A sharpie marker for labeling what belongs to whom.

  • Additional supplies for babies, elderly or sick - 2 weeks worth of diapers, wipes, meds, formula, pet food, protein or calorie drinks.


  • Date perishable goods

  • Set aside some cash

  • Make a disaster plan for what you're prepping for (weather, economic, EMP or personal.

  • Decide on an out-of-area contact who can coordinate information with family/friends.

  • Once contact is established, they will need names, phone #'s and tac #'s of all members.

Week 2: Preps to buy-

  • 32 gal garbage bin to store your supplies

  • 1 flashlight per member with extra batteries

  • Batteries in multiple sizes stored in waterproof containers

  • Heavy rope or paracord

  • Tarp

  • Duct tape

  • Lighters and/or matches stored in waterproof containers

  • A multitool or leatherman

  • Leash or carry crates for pets


  • Involve the kids

  • Questions for the schools:

  • "How will you communicate with the parents during a crisis?"

  • "Do you store adequate food/water and supplies for the students in case of power outage?"

  • "Is the school prepared for a shelter-in-place situation?"

  • Get up to date pictures of each member

  • Make personal info cards for each member

  • Discuss emergency meeting places, contacts and plans.

  • Let the kids express their feelings and concerns and ask questions so they fully understand the disaster plan.

So, this may seem like a lot, but if you can't get everything on this list, do not stress yourself about it. If you get half of it, you'll be at a good start.

Week 3: Preps to buy-

  • O.T.C meds

  • Kleenex

  • Feminine products

  • Baby wipes or hand wipes

  • Typical first aid kit

  • Antibiotic ointment


*Get a local & state map for each of your vehicles or per each B.O.B.

*Create an evacuation plan if you have to leave your home.

*Learn CPR

Week 4:

Preps to buy-

  • Comms (Wind up radios, CB, Two-way, etc.)

  • Flares

  • Compass for each member


  • Pack all important documents in waterproof containers

Week 5:

Preps to buy- (Pet Care)

  • Extra leashes and/or carry crates

  • 1 to 2 weeks worth of pet food (and litter)

  • 2 weeks worth of stored water for each pet


*Designate a safe place in your location for pets to shelter in place.

Week 6:

Preps to buy-

  • Bug out bags for each member (pack them according to needs)

  • Portable water containers per member

  • Water purification tablets

  • Tent

  • Season appropriate clothing

  • Fire starters

  • Waterproof matches

  • Some type of mess kit for each member


  • Create an emergency meeting area

  • Place B.O.Bs in easy access areas

Week 7: Basic Home Security-

Preps to buy:

*Security System

*Deadbolts for all doors


*Pepper spray

*Fire extinguishers for each room


*Assess security layers

-Outside layer: Check floodlights, motion detectors, locks, etc. Make improvements where necessary.

-Inside layer: Teach the kids what a home invasion is. Have a plan to both run to safety and a plan of defense.

-Personal layer: Take a personal defense training course or if you have the equipment (guns), practice with them.

Week 8: Emergency Sanitation-

Preps to buy:

*Camping toilet or build an outhouse

*Toilet paper

*Paper towels

*Rubber cleaning gloves

*Feminine products

*Trash bags


*Cat litter

*Baking soda





*Prepare sanitation kits for each member.

*Familiarize yourself with different methods of handling sanitation problems if the occur.

*Toilet paper alternatives-

-Phone books

-Unused coffee filters

-Old rags, towels, etc.

Week 9:

Preps to buy-

*Med bag or tackle box

*Medical reference books


*Aloe Vera

*Bug spray

*Guaze pads (all sizes)

*Antibiotic ointment


*Rubbing alcohol

*Adhesive tape

*Latex gloves

*Medicine dropper


*Eye care (glasses, eye wash, contacts, etc.)


*Take a basic first aid course.

Week 10: Dental

Preps to buy-





*Clove oil (helps with toothaches)

*Hydrogen peroxide


*Baking soda


*Get an annual check up.

Week 11:

Preps to buy-

(2 weeks worth)

  • 1 gal of water per person

  • 2 bottles juice per person

  • 2 canned goods per person

  • 1 each condiment per person

  • Peanut butter, jelly, honey, mustard, etc.

  • 2 drink mixes per person

  • Kool-aid, Mio, etc.

  • Seasonings

  • Seasoned salt, Montreal Steak Seasoning, etc.

  • 1 gal cooking oil

  • Bags of dry goods

  • Rice, beans, noodles, oats, cereal, pasta, etc.

  • 2 bags of flour

  • Dry milk

  • Instant potatoes

  • Infant formula (high in vitamins and can be used to boost immune system)


  • Date perishables with a marker.

  • Store your preps. Basement is ideal.

  • Organize your preps. Create a list and categorize your inventory.

Week 12:

Preps to buy-

  • Nothing to buy this week (unless you want to).


  • Concentrate on ways to trim your budget.

  • Create a financial contingency plan.

  • Work on eliminating unnecessary debt.

  • Have a plan to save (in cash) 10% of your income each pay period.

  • Cut corners wherever possible (shopping thrift stores, dollar stores, etc.).

Week 13: Spiritual Preps

Preps to buy-

  • Bible (if you don't have one)

  • Devotional books, prayer journals, etc.


  • Find time to reflect on your core beliefs. What drives you to be a better person of Christ?

  • Discuss beliefs with your family.

  • Pray daily.

  • Perhaps do a Bible study once a week.

Week 14: Mental and Moral Preps

The best way is knowledge and practice.

For moral, I would suggest board games, books, keeping a diary, etc.

Books of interest are; Patriots by James Wesley Rawles

One Second After by William R. Forstchen

Lights Out by David Crawford

Week 15:

Preps to buy-

  • O.T.C. meds

  • Splint

  • Sunscreen

  • Chapstick

  • AZO (UTI medication)

  • Bandages (multiple sizes)

  • Medical tape

  • Gauze

  • Ace bandages (multiple sizes)

  • Ice packs (refreezable)

  • Latex gloves


  • Take a refresher course in first aid.

  • Practice first aid techniques.

Week 16: Survival Tools

Preps to buy:

  • Candles/Lanterns

  • Matches/Lighters

  • Batteries (multiple sizes)

  • Collapsible Shovel

  • Water Purification Tablets

  • Compass/Map

  • Fire Starter

  • Mirror (light reflecting)

  • Duct Tape

  • Rope

  • Signal Flare/Flashing Beacon

  • Mylar Blanket

  • Multitool

  • Survival Knife


  • Prepare a survival kit for 72 hours

  • Create or join a support network

Week 17:

Preps to buy:

  • 1 gal of water per person (2 weeks worth)

  • Water filter system

  • More Water Purification Tablets

  • Bleach

  • Iodine

  • Tarp

  • Electrolyte Powder

  • Vitamins


  • Research different types of water filter systems

  • Learn natural ways to filter water

  • Practice filtering and treating water

Week 18: Food Preservation

Preps to buy:

  • Kosher Salt

  • Sugar

  • White & Apple Cidar Vinegar

  • Molasses

  • Powdered Fruit Pectin

  • Canning Jars

  • Pressure Canner


  • Learn Canning

  • Start a garden

Week 19: Food Storage

Preps to buy: (In Bulk)

  • Mylar Bags

  • O2 Absorbers

  • Vacuum Sealing System (Food Saver)

  • Vacuum Sealing Bags

Actions :

  • Practice using your food storage items.

Week 20: 1 Month Supply Of Food

Preps to buy:

  • Rice

  • Beans

  • Flour

  • Oats

  • Sugar

  • Salt

  • Dry milk

  • 2 gal Cooking Oil


  • Calculate amounts per person for a month

  • Ensure that everything is sealed

Week 21:

Preps to buy-

  • Gas cans

  • Fuel for Coleman Stove

  • Candles

  • Matches


  • Find an appropriate area to store fuel.

  • Rotate fuel regularly and check cans for leaks

Week 22:

Preps to buy-

  • Work gloves for each member

  • Protective Eyewear

  • Paracord

  • Manual tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, etc.

  • An ax with a sharpener

  • Socket set

  • A level

  • Measuring tape


  • Practice using manual tools.

  • Simulate a grid-down situation and practice what life would be like without modern convenience.

Week 23- Emergency Security

Preps to buy-

  • Deadbolts and other door security

  • Thorny plants to place around windows

  • Peep holes for doors

  • Flood lights

  • Guns and ammo


  • Create a safe room.

  • Check for vulnerabilities in and outside of the home.

  • Research how to beef up security where needed.

Week 24-

Preps to buy-

  • Water containers (multiple sizes)

  • Water filtration

  • Water purification tablets


  • Have Water filtration for home and B.O.B.

  • Practice Water conservation

  • Learn alternative methods to collect rain.

Week 25-

Preps to buy- Dental

  • Toothpaste

  • Toothbrushes

  • Floss

  • Mouth rinse

  • Toothpicks

  • Dentemp


  • Get a check up

  • Look up the book "Where there is no Dentist" and study on how to provide dental care.

Week 26:

Preps to buy-

  • 1 month supply of toilet paper per person

  • Cat litter

  • Bleach

  • 5 gal buckets (can be used for container gardening)

  • Clothes pins, clothes line

  • 2 large bins to do laundry

  • Laundry plunger

  • Ingredients to make laundry soap (see video in preps)

  • Hand sanitizer


  • Create sanitation kits for each person

Week 27:

Preps to buy-

  • Long-burning candles

  • Hurricane lamps

  • Hanging lanterns

  • Flashlights

  • Light sticks

  • Matches/Lighters

  • Blackout curtains


  • No actions

Week 28:

Preps to buy-

  • OTC meds

  • Vitamins

  • Electrolyte drink mixes

  • Bleach

  • Tissues

  • Garbage bags

  • Thermometer

  • Latex gloves

  • Bar soap

  • N95 masks


  • No actions

Week 29: Charity:

Preps to buy-

  • Canned goods

  • Boxed cereals

  • Dry goods

  • Water

  • Peanut butter

  • Soap

  • Feminine products

  • Pocket bibles


  • Calculate how much food you have for an extended disaster.

  • When buying for charity (or bartering), keep basic survival needs in mind. Don't go overboard.

Week 30:

Preps to buy:

  • Hiking boots

  • Walking stick


  • Get out into nature. Get some fresh air and exercise.

Week 31

Preps to buy:

  • 3-ring binders

  • Dividers

  • Highlighters

  • Labels

  • Paper

  • Pens/Pencils

  • Plastic containers

  • Shelving


  • Take out all your preps and clean storage areas

  • Organize prep supplies

  • Create a master list

Week 32

Preps to buy:

  • Dehydrated or freeze dried fruits & veg.

  • High energy snacks (trail mix, etc.)

  • 2 gal cooking oil

  • Dry packaged goods (pastas, rice dinners, cereals, etc.)

  • Baking goods (flour, baking soda, yeast, baking powder, etc.)

  • Tea and coffee (regular and instant)

  • Drink mixes

  • Pet food and litter


  • Try and get a dehydrator and learn the skill.

Week 33

Preps to by:

  • Ensure

  • Cooking oils (Veg oil, Olive oil, etc.)

  • Peanut Butter

  • Nuts and edible seeds

  • Crisco

  • Condiments (mayo, mustard, ketchup, etc.)

  • Canned meats

  • Chocolate (will keep in the freezer)

  • Whole mild (can be dehydrated and powdered)


  • Learn canning and dehydrating.

Week 34

Preps to buy:

  • Dry goods (beans, lentils, soup mixes, etc.)


  • Research the importance of having certain foods in your diet.

  • Learn how to package and store food for long term.

  • Store your food appropriately. Your food's worst enemies are:

    • Moisture

    • Sunlight

    • Oxygen

    • Temperature fluctuations

    • Bugs

Week 35

Preps to buy:

  • More pastas and dry goods

  • Oats


  • Refer to week 34.

Week 36-Sugars

Preps to buy:

  • Honey

  • Regular sugar (white, brown, etc.)

  • Molasses

  • Corn Syrup

  • Jams/Jellies

  • Powdered Fruit Drinks

  • Jell-O


  • Refer to week 34

  • Sugars can be used for many things such as:

  1. Curing/Food Preservation

  2. Making Alcohol

  3. Medicinal

  4. Bartering

Week 37 - Essential Baking Needs

Preps to buy:

  • Baking Powder/Soda

  • Yeast

  • Salt

  • Vinegar

  • Evap. Milk

  • Dry Milk

  • Cornstarch


  • Refer to week 34

  • Research the many uses for all these items

Week 38 - Emergency Communication

Preps to buy:

  • Short wave radio

  • Walkie Talkie

  • CB radio

  • Extra batteries


  • Learn the equipment

  • Practice

  • Learn Morse Code

Week 39: - Power Sources

Preps to buy:

  • Solar Generator

  • Solar battery chargers

  • Seasoned firewood

  • Extra fuel

  • Gasoline stabilizer


  • When using alternative power sources, monitor your supply so you don't run out too soon.

Week 40 - Cold Weather Preps

Preps to buy:

  • Non-electric space heater

  • Door draft stopper (Rolled up towel will work)

  • Sleeping bags for each member

  • Thick socks

  • Thermal underwear

  • Hand/Food warmers

  • Rubber weather sealant

  • Caulking

  • Window insulation film

  • Bubble wrap or an old shower curtain

  • Duct tape


  • Check furnace and replace filters monthly

  • Inspect fireplace

  • Insulate exterior pipes

  • Caulk and weather-strip doors and windows

  • Add insulation in walls and attics if necessary

  • Inspect roof, gutters and clean debris

Week 41 - Self Reliant Skills

Preps to buy:

Books about-

  • Medical Training

  • Disaster Training

  • Gardening Skills

  • Medicinal Plants

  • Firearm Training

  • Food Preservation

  • Coms

  • Sewing

  • Outdoor Survival Skills

  • Homesteading

  • Hunting/Fishing


  • Stay current on carry permits

  • Continue learning & practicing your skills until you are pertinent to your survival.

Week 42 - Take a break

Preps to buy: If you wish

  • Stock up your pantry. Canned goods, dry goods, toiletries, etc.


  • Get out and go hiking or have a picnic.

Week 43 - Gardening Preps to buy:

  • Heirloom seeds

  • Gardening tools

  • Containers for long term storage of seeds


  • Learn composting

Week 44

Refer to and click on week 44.

Week 45 - Long Term Food & Water Needs

Preps to buy:

  • Dry goods

  • Seeds

  • Fertilizer

  • Rain-catching system

  • Water filtration


  • Ensure you have enough supplies for long term. Refer to the website in week 44 and find the "food calculator".

  • Research ways to conserve water.

  • Look for natural water sources around your area.

Week 46

Preps to buy:

  • Water containers

  • First aid kit

  • Canned goods

  • Fire starters

  • Knives

  • Guns/Ammo

  • Duct tape

  • Fishing kit

  • Spare clothes/Cold weather gear

  • Tent or tarp

  • Hand-crank radio

  • Flashlights/Batteries


  • Have an evacuation route plan

Week 47 - Emergency Medical Supplies

Preps to buy:

  • Multivitamins

  • Gauze

  • Antiseptic

  • Latex gloves

  • Potassium Iodide tablets

  • Benadryl

  • Condoms

  • Anti-nausea meds

  • Electrolyte drink mixes

  • Braces for sprains

  • Moleskin

  • Stethoscope

  • Work gloves

  • More duct tape

  • Snake bite kit

  • Antibiotics (FishMox)

  • Stool softeners

  • CPR mask


  • Create first response kits

  • Take a first aid course

Week 48 - Essential Tools

Preps to buy:

  • Welding torch & fuel

  • Clamps

  • Sledge hammer

  • Crowbar

  • Files

  • Bolt cutters

  • Machete

  • Chainsaw

  • Circle drawing compass

  • Tin snips

  • Chisels

  • Wire snippers

  • Side cutter pliers

  • Wood plane

  • Stapler

  • Stud finder

  • Fish netting

  • More duct tape

  • String/Twine

  • Rebar Tie Wire

  • Measuring tape

  • Nails, bolts, nuts, washers, screws


  • Ensure tools are in good condition

  • Be mindful of your dependence on the grid and find ways to offset it.

  • Get guide books on construction, masonry, installing wells, creating shelter, etc.

Week 49 - Nuclear & EMP Preps

Preps to buy:

  • Food/Water preps

  • Med supplies

  • Sanitation supplies

  • Lighting resources

  • Heat sources

  • Coms


  • Research Fukushima. Study how RADS get into food that could make you sick.

  • Learn what an EMP is and the damage it can cause.

Week 50 - Bartering Preps to buy:

  • Matches/Lighters

  • Seeds

  • Canning jars/Lids

  • Tools

  • Water filter systems

  • Sewing supplies

  • Vitamins

  • Salt

  • Feminine products

  • Fishing supplies

  • Fuel

  • Coffee/Tea/Sugar

  • Cola

  • Liquor

  • Cigs

  • Cooking oil

  • Firewood

  • Batteries

  • Winter clothing, hats, socks, gloves

  • Soaps

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Dental care items


  • Decide which items are worth bartering.

  • Stock up on them.

Week 51 - Home Defense Preps to buy:

  • Guns/Ammo

  • Extra magazines

  • Spare parts/Kits

  • Gun cleaning kits

  • Ammo storage


  • Practice at the range

  • Consider a self defense class

  • Inspect your home for security gaps and fix them

Week 52 - Long Term Security & Defense Preps to buy:

  • Night vision

  • Plywood for windows

  • Ear & eye protection

  • Body armor


  • Create a defense plan

  • Agree on rules of engagement

  • All members train on tactical shooting

This concludes the 52 week prep plan. I hope you found it useful and informative. Just remember, practice the lifestyle. We need you! Something evil this way comes!

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